Modifications to the exterior of homes generally require approval from the Board of Trustees. Modifications that are “pre-approved” by the Board are listed in Section III of the Guidelines. Such modifications do not require an Application for Property Modification (APM) to be submitted. Modifications that require approval by the Board are listed in Section IV of the Guidelines and submission of an APM. Any modification that is not specifically listed in Section III or IV requires the submission of an APM.
Numerous contractors offer their services in Crestwood Village for both exterior and interior projects. Some are licensed, some are not. The Board of Trustees strongly advises that you only contract with professionals that are licensed. The Maryland Department of Labor provides the ability to search for licensed professionals on their website. Click here. To search specifically for contractors holding a license issued by the Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) , click here.
If you have any questions about a planned project or the Architectural Review Guidelines, feel free to contact the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) at:
Process (Section III):
· If making a modification listed in Section III of the Guidelines, ensure that the modification is in compliance with Section III and proceed.
Process (Section IV):
· If making a modification listed in Section IV (or is not listed in either Section III or IV), you must submit an APM.
· The APM can either be submitted online or by filling out a paper form that’s available online for downloading/printing or from the Management Office.
· Ensure you review Section IV and include any specific documentation required.
· Once the APM is received, a member of the ARC will contact you (if necessary) in a few days and ensure that the planned modification is in compliance with the Guidelines. If you need a “rush” job, please indicate this on the APM and let the Management Office know.
· If it appears that the planned modification is not in compliance with the Guidelines, the ARC member will work with you to, hopefully, find an acceptable solution.
· If the planned modification is in compliance with the Guidelines, the ARC member will recommend approval. The ARC Chairperson will also review the APM and, if the planned modification is deemed to be in compliance, will forward the APM to the Board recommending approval.
· The ARC Liaison (Board member) will additionally review the APM and, if satisfied that the planned modification is in compliance with the Guidelines, will approve the modification on behalf of the Board.
· The Management Office will notify the Homeowner regarding the status of an APM.
· In cases where the planned modification does not comply with the Guidelines and is disapproved, the case may go before the entire Board for consideration at the initiative of the ARC Liaison or the Homeowner.
· If the Board votes to disapprove a planned modification, the Homeowner has the option of requesting an Appeals Committee. If an Appeals Committee is requested, the Board President shall appoint the members. The Chairperson of the Appeals Committee will contact the Homeowner with a date and time for the Homeowner to present his/her case. The Appeals Committee will also hear the reasons why a modification should not be approved presented by a member of the ARC. The Property Manager may also be asked to provide input. The Appeals Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees.
ARC Guidelines/Intro/Section I and II
ARC Guidelines Pre-Approved Items Section III
ARC Guidelines Section IV - Items Requiring Approval
Revised Awning Guidelines (April 2021)
Revised Painting, Exterior (September 2023)
Revised Patios - Patio Fence (Crestwood 2) (September 2023)
Revised Patios - Pergolas/Lattice/Covers Guidelines (November 2021)
Electric Car Charging Stations (April 2022)
Online APM (ARC App)
Paper APM (ARC App)